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Friday, October 12, 2012


How many times do you walk around the gym and see people drinking liquids other than water, such as cans, shaker cups or bottles filled with colorful liquids?

You can understand the professional or amateur bodybuilder or fitness athlete or exercise professional carrying one around drinking it, especially after you have been watching them work out for at least an hour, but what about those who do it just for a healthy lifestyle or for losing weight?

First of all, a resistance training session should be at max 20 to 40 min, when you have the appropriate pre-training meal. After 40 min, without the appropriate meal plan, causes anaerobic glycolysis, where glycogen from the liver is broken down to produce energy, and if that isn’t available, because there is no extra reserve of energy, due to inadequate eating habits, the glucose in the muscle is transferred so that it can be broken down to produce energy (catabolism) for the continued work out session. That is why bodybuilders and fitness athletes have them to keep that glucose in the muscle, and why those who spend more than an hour in the gym doing weights are probably not seeing any results.

If you had the appropriate pre-training meal and you are not trying to keep your energy levels high due to a long weight training session to continue building muscle, then that extra energy boosting drink, which is usually taken before a workout anyway, and not during, containing complex carbohydrates, which means high calories won’t do anything except add calories which probably won’t be used during your workout, and thus stored for the next opportunity. But when the next opportunity occurs, you yet again are filling your metabolic system with more calories which will add up and go against your much wanted results of a healthy lifestyle or weight loss.

Instead of having something during your workout, the post workout meal should be considered the most important. Up to 20 minutes after the workout, there should be proteins provided for the recovering muscles, and up to 40 min complex carbohydrates for recovery of energy levels according to the energy balance to get the desired results.

As for the energy drinks, there is a big concern, not only for the reasons that there is really not enough knowledge about the effects on the body with the mix of ingredients (stimulants such as taurine, ginseng, ginko balboa and guarana) which contain and can turn the effects of the content of caffeine more potent, but because they are carbonated beverages that contain 13 teaspoons of sugar in a 16 ounce can (equal to four cans of soft drinks). Besides the sugar itself, it contains Vitamin B which adds to the production of sugar for energy. People are confusing energy drinks that cause dehydration due to impairment of absorption of liquids, and can cause heart attack symptoms, with sports drinks, which are means of rehydration during or after training with its contents of carbohydrates, electrolytes and minerals needed for recovery after long sessions of exercise.

If you do not need the extra calories, water is perfect for the duration of the workout session, for most people don’t get enough of it anyway and along with hydrating the whole body, it helps in metabolism so that the results desired can be achieved.

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