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Friday, May 31, 2013


One of the suggestions that should be made by health professionals when someone is starting an exercise program and a new meal plan is to drink a lot of water. And automatically almost everyone thinks that eight cups of water should be consumed daily. But then many believe that drinking water during meals could cause bloating, jeopardize digestion and even cause weight gain.

But is that true or an urban myth? How much water should really be consumed? Can you never get enough water? When and why should it be consumed during exercise? And most important what are the effects of drinking water or any liquid during meals?

The adult human body is composed of up to 75% of water. The body uses water for all chemical reactions, transportation in and out through blood and other secretions, and helping maintain body temperature and lubricant to move body parts. Particles (chloride calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate and protein) contained in water help maintain homeostasis (body equilibrium). So the consumption of water is important for normal function of the body and metabolism.

But the rule that 8 cups of water should be consumed per day is a myth. This is because all foods and beverages also contain water and should be included when calculating the amount of water consumed. But there are other factors to considered when establishing the proper. These include the environment, activity level, metabolic needs, age and other dietary factors.

Did you know that too much water can intoxicate your body? Water intoxication occurs because an individual may not be able to dilute and/or excrete urine appropriately due to the influence of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which may make 8 cups a day too much. The symptoms of water intoxication presented are confusion, disorientation, nausea and vomiting, and if hyponatraemia (low sodium levels) is not treated, seizures, coma and death can occur. On the other hand there is the myth that if you are feeling thirsty you are already suffering from dehydration. This is only true when a person has lost 3% or more of bodyweight due to thirst from the lack of hydration of the blood (high plasma osmalarity). This can occur in individuals that aren’t hydrated properly during rigorous physical activity. Dehydration presents symptoms of reduced endurance, an increase in fatigue, difficulty in regulating body temperature, reduced motivation and increase in perceived exertion (self-evaluation of level of exhaustion).

We have discussed that water is primordial for human function and health, but it also has other benefits. The reason for consuming water regularly is it may reduce diseases such as urinary tract infections, cancers and heart disease. It may also be a simple solution for fatigue, lack of mental alertness, migraines, hypertension, dry cough, dry skin, acne, nosebleed, and depression. Water also may help in aiding in weight and fat loss promoting satiety, especially when it is added to the contents of the meal. But for those of you that believe that you shouldn’t consume it or any beverage with meals there really isn’t any recent scientific proof that it should or shouldn’t be done.
Articles Consulted:
Water, Hydration and Health. Popkin, D’anci & Rosenberg. National Institute of Health. 2010.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. “Really? Is there scientific evidence for 8x8?”. H. Valtin. American Journal of Physiology. 2002.
Fatal Water Intoxication. Farrel & Bower. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2003.

Friday, May 24, 2013


The recent posts “Get Off My Back” and “Put It In Forward & Reverse” discussed exercises which are included in the workout for one muscle group, when the primary muscle activation is really for another muscle group. And today, with the rising popularity of Boot camp classes and exercise programs focusing on functional training, many combinations of exercises in 1 movement are used.

But when you are doing these exercises, whether in Bootcamp or in the gym with a trainer or by yourself is it really right for you? Is the execution of the exercise being done properly? Do you know if the exercise is appropriate to your goals or is it just a filler for your program? Do you really feel the workout doing two or more exercises in one?

There are many exercises that can fit into this category, but one of the most popular being used is the Olympic weightlift. The final movement is composed of three separate exercises, which two have already been discussed, and according to many one of them, the upright row (“The Banished 1”) should not be included in any exercise programs.

“The Banished 3” talks about the initial movement of the Deadlift. Looking at the barbell deadlift more closely, the muscles activated are the hip extensors (glutes, hamstrings, hip adductors), the quads and the spinal extensors. The initial position is placing your feet shoulder width apart. Just like the squat (“Chicken Squat”), bend your knees to 90º and leaning upper body slightly forward so that it seems you are sitting on air. Place your hands on the bar in a pronated grip (palms down) with your elbows positioned next to your knees. Push off the balls of your feet or your knuckles. And slowly stand up keeping the bar close to your legs. Remember to maintain posture with shoulders back. 

The second movement of the Olympic Lift, was discussed in The Banished 1, the upright row. And the third and last movement is the barbell frontal shoulder press. “Im-pressing Arnold” explained the correct movement that should be done and what muscles are activated. The difference in the dumbbell shoulder press and the frontal barbell shoulder press is that the latter has a smaller ROM. So the execution and form is exactly the same.

Now putting it all together… thinking that they are three separate exercises the only details that should be noted are that when standing up after the deadlift, make sure your knees are slightly bent to take the weight off the knees and to distribute some of it to your lumbar. And after the upright row, don’t throw the weight up so that your hands can be in the supinated (palms up) position. The correct technique is slowly lower your elbows so that they are below the bar, and your hands change to the supinated position. From there raise the bar above your head to finish off with the shoulder frontal barbell press. To get it right without any risk of injury treat it as doing one exercise after another with the possibility of stopping in between each. Since practice makes perfect, with time you will be able to increase the speed in which it is done and keep the correct form of execution.

Because there is a need for core and abdominal strength to maintain the correct posture and attention to keep the correct form of execution, it should be considered only for advanced resistance training programs. But in gyms there are so many unprepared people and professionals including this in programs that it is amazing that you don’t see people injuring themselves right then and there, or at least you just don’t hear of the chronic cases.

Friday, May 17, 2013


There are many reasons that people become members of a gym or hire a personal trainer. But all are searching for results of some kind such as losing weight, gaining muscle mass, health, rehabilitation, personal training and even increasing their social circle.

Socialization is a big part of the fitness community, so what effect does it have if you spend too much time talking in between sets and exercises? Could it be the factor that is preventing you from your results?

When you walk into a gym for the first time you notice that the same people that are talking the time away while working out, are the same ones that year in and out have not made one improvement to their overall appearance. And if there is a change, not always for the better, many times it is not due to hard work in combining nutrition and training, because it occurs in short periods and is an obvious transformation due to unconventional methods such as drugs or even improvements through surgery.  

The people who do take their training seriously, such as the men and women who have the purpose to compete usually have their music playing loudly. Besides a motivational factor (Rock n’ Reps), did you ever think that they might use the earphones as an excuse not to have to talk to other people? Many appear irritated and bothered when they are forced to remove the earphones to talk or even answer questions, but that is because most are in a mental zone where they are extremely concentrated on the exercise and program that they are doing which can be jeopardized. It also may be the reason why they prefer not to share a piece of equipment.

The time in between exercises and sets also determines the intensity of your workout. Unless your program consists of a high intensity (90% and higher of your Maximal HR or 1 RM), too much time in between sets and exercises could be prejudicial to your goals. Rest and nutrition are also factors that need to be taken into consideration of Timing. If there are too many stops to chat in your workout session your workout might not be of moderate intensity, which is needed for most desired results. Also, depending on your nutrition, you might not have the correct timing to replenish your energy needs and recover properly increasing cortisol levels (Don’t Overstress).     

Training is only 30 % of what is necessary to see results (Ratios to Success), but if you make the most of the time that you have to train results will come faster in combination with the other 70%. Yes, socializing in the gym could be one of the places that result in romantic relationships and to meet people, but that is only if you consider your physical goals in second place. Along with dedication you should be all business when aiming for results.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Brazilians are known for many surging trends all around the world, some of which carry the nationality’s name, but in fact are not of the Brazilian custom, such as the “Brazilian bikini wax”. Brazil is also known for its beautiful women, due to the mix of Europeans (in most part the Portuguese, the Italians, the Germans, and the Spanish), native Brazilians, Africans,  and Japanese which formed a number of top models and with that the fame for incredible bodies.

Like many other countries, not all of Brazil’s inhabitants are gym goers, but since minimal clothing can be worn all year round in many locations, most maintain a healthy look to their bodies, are concerned with healthy nutrition, and the women that do work out hard include many exercises for the gluteus muscles.

The Gluteus Muscle Group Anatomy is composed of the muscles Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medias and Gluteus Minimus. Here in North America, exercises used to strengthen or develop the Gluteus muscles, are usually those used for other muscles groups such as the quadriceps in the barbell/dumbbell squats, and muscles of the hamstring in the bent knee barbell/dumbbell stiff legged deadlift. The movement used to target this area usually consists of hip extension, and hip abduction. These are also executed on equipment such as the lying leg curl, abduction machine, abduction machine or even using the cables, which do target the muscle group but isn’t the primary muscle activated.

But are those the exercises that most Brazilian women do to get those hard glutes that many around the world admire? Is it genetics from the multiracial mix? Or is there another exercise that can be done? 

You can say that genetics has some part in the way the Brazilian body is shaped, but there is one piece of equipment that you see in all of the gyms in Brazil, and that you can’t even find them in heavier weights in North America. That is the ankle weight. Here in North America you almost never find ankle weights in gyms, and if you go to purchase them in a store or order them online, you will have a hard time finding heavier weights. What you may find are the adjustable types.

Yes, the different variations of doing the hip extension exercise is included in most workout programs for women and the ankle weight is one of the secrets to increasing the size of the gluteus and resulting in the hard rounded look. It also has been focused in a group class to specifically work that muscle group, which also focuses on the abdominal and leg muscles. The exercise is usually done on all fours or supporting the body with the elbows and knee. The abdominal muscles are held in so that lumbar area is maintained in neutral position and not in hyper-lordosis position. The weight is securely strapped around the ankle, and the calf muscle is at 90º with the hamstring. Keeping this position the leg is moved up and down in controlled movements without the movement of your lower back. The knee can go as low as the floor without touching it, and no higher than alignment with the spine. Once this is mastered and maximal weight is used, an advanced technique used is crossing the knee over the other knee. But do remember that the stabilization of the core and abdominal muscles, plus spinal alignment is of extreme importance to activate the muscle properly and to avoid lumbar injuries.

So those of you buying those workout videos such as the “Brazil Butt Lift” will have a great workout for lower body including quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteas, but if you really want to harden and tone your backside, you need to tire out the hamstrings to emphasize the gluteas more and focus on heavier weights with 90º bent knees, for Brazilians use up to 20 pounds on each leg, after doing a number of exercises for the lower body. And remember the Ankle weights can also be used for other exercises, for it since it is a free weight and you need to stabilize your trunk in order to perform the movement, you are also activating more the targeted muscles in the workout.

Friday, May 3, 2013


"Optimal Ratios to Success" discussed the ratios of the aspects involved in getting the maximal results with resistance training. And one of the factors is how much sleep you get. With the modern lifestyles many are not getting enough or adequate sleep. And when that happens for long periods of time it begins to become a problem that causes over exhaustion, minimal concentration, stress, emotional issues, physical consequences, and even sickness. So some turn to sleeping pills, which can be hazordous due to the addictive effect. But there are other methods that can bring on that sleep and rest such as relaxation, improving eating and lifestyle habits, minimizing stress, weightloss and even natural supplementation. The natural ingredient that helps with sleep that is now popular included in supplements is Melatonin.

Have you ever heard of Melatonin? What is it’s function in the body? How does it help with sleep? Can you get it from natural food sources? If you supplement it is it bad for you? Are there any side effects or contraindications?

Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is produced naturally in the body from the conversion of AA tryptophan into serotonin, available in the gastrointestional tract and the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located in the part of the brain that is responsible for the sympathetic functions of the body (actions not consciously controlled), such as mood, reproduction, aging, immunity, intestinal motility, and metabolism.

The secretion of melatonin regulates sleep which is influenced by the circadian rhythms with secretions greater in the night (darkness) and inhibition during the day (light) similar to cortisol release (Don’t Overstress). The amount released depends on the length of the dark phase of the circadian rhythm. Its purpose is to synchronize body functions or reinforce them. Melatonin release depends on food intake and stimuli by nutrients, and concentration levels depend on age, gender and if there is an existing disease.

Since the secretion of melatonin stimulates receptors across any barrier reaching all tissues of the body, it has an antioxidant effect, a reaction against free radicals and activation of oxygen intermediates. Due to its properties of antioxidant it protects cells from free radical damage, which may be useful for the treatment of neurgenerative diseases such as Alzheimers. It also helps in reducing blood cholesterol by inhibiting oxidation of cholesterol LDL, reducing BP. It also causes vasodilatation and inhibits inflammation responses. It has effect on the immune system, where immunity influences the amount released. Affects the secretion of steroidal and non steroidal hormones

When there is a disruptance in sleep the pineal gland malfunctions which could be the cause of obesity (chronic inflammation) and metabolic disturbances (high triglycerides in blood, low HDL cholesterol, resistance to insulin, high BP, and inflammation). Research demonstrates that melatonin is sensitive to noroepinephrine and cyclic adenosine monophosphate.

Melatonin Supplementation has been used for sleeping disturbances, jet lag, and metastatic cancer because it has been reported that it changes the circadian rhythm improving sleep patterns, affecting body temperature and cortisol levels. It is quickly absorbed and metabolized. It is most effective when taken in between 10 pm and 12 am. Timing and dosage is of optimal importance. It may promote performance improvement because it acts against inflammation and oxidative damage. It might be most effective for weightloss when taken first thing in the morning to supress cortisol rise not to increase weightloss but to restore normal function to the tissue modified by inflammation and metabolic disturbances. It also can combat overeating, limits growth of fat cells, and stimulates the action of brown fat. Melatonin has profound effect on IGF which is involved in muscle anabolism and suppresses excess cortisol and interferes with its production. But as a dietary supplement it hasnt been regulated for it really hasn’t proven to be important for health.

As with many dietary supplements, you need to be careful with the amount of supplementation of melatonin. Minor side effects include headaches, insomnia, nauseas and even nightmares. And toxic effects are possible if too much is taken, where it could be a down turn instead of helping with body functions. This includes drowsiness, autoimunization, delayed puberty, problems with the reproductive organs, depression, problems with the accumulation of fat, and could have major effects when combined with other medications.

If you choose not to take supplements, you can choose natural food sources to get the optimal dose. There are minor doses of melatonin contained in bananas, oats and corn, but a ½ cup serving of dried tart cherries, or 1 cup of cherry juice or its products contain the most concentrated sources and have been proven to have the same effect of supplements. More melatonin for exercise helps you rest better, even though exercise does not have effect on serum levels, and it might be beneficial for athletes who are competing in other locations of a different time zone for better rest and sleeping patterns upon arrival.
Articles Consulted:
Metabolism of melatonin by human cytochromes P450. Ma, et al. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2004.
Melatonin, a potent agent in antioxidant defense: actions as a natural food constituent, gastrointestinal factor, drug, and prodrug. Hardeland and Pandi-Perumal. Nutrition & Metabolism. 2005.
Melatonin: fifty years os scientific journey from the discovery in bovine pineal gland to delineation of functions in humans. Chowdhurry et al. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 2008.
The therapeutic potential of melatonin: a review of scienceMalhotra, et al. Medscape General Medicine. 2004.
Eating melatonin rich-cherries are “natural” way to reset your body clock when crossing time zones. Kittel. The Cherry Marketing Institute.