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Friday, December 7, 2012


If you are not an athlete or a fitness professional and have never hired a personal trainer where are you getting your information on how to train from? Are you training with a partner or just learning by watching others? You could research on the internet, but not all information on the internet is trustworthy. You can buy books that are used by professionals of the fitness industry. You also could also buy some manuals on how to train or even buy Weightlifting for Dummies, but a quick way to learn some tips, keep updated about what is going on with weight training at the moment, and nutrition is to buy the male bodybuilding magazines.

There are many magazines or journals to choose from, such as Flex Magazine, Muscle & Fitness Magazine, Ironman Magazine, Musclemag, Natural bodybuilding Magazine naming the most famous, and some of them separate magazines for her. But one that is starting to stand out is Muscular Development for its expanded content. Besides the common information to all Training magazines, it actually informs you, and summarizes all new scientific studies about a variety of subjects related to sculpting your body and nutrition in the articles. All the information included in the articles whether it be about how to train a muscle group, or information about increasing muscle mass and strength, weight loss and fat burning, supplements, nutrition, steroids and more, is backed up by published scientific research that the authors referred to. These are listed after each article which can be of use to you for deeper knowledge.

The bodybuilding champions are also joining in to make this one of the best magazines. Some of the best competitors of today and of the past have their own say in matters of the Bodybuilding world, and reaching out to fans in their own columns where they put their personal lives and training in writing. Of course the athletes that are still competing provide fantastic photo shoots of their own training and provide readers with their own programs and paths to the competitions that they participate in. And in all, the magazine gives the before and after overview of competitions keeping the reader informed.

The only set back of some of these magazines is that even though they do include news about the women of the bodybuilding and fitness world, or they are featured in their own female version of the magazine, the women who are really Hardcore are left out. The female magazines usually contain information about fashion, dieting and light training for a leaner body, but no real information for muscle building women to a greater extent. The bodybuilding magazines such as Muscular Development should have parts for the Hardcore women for they are also faithful followers, because they find that the information given for males, could also be useful for their training, nutrition and competitions. There are many female athletes out there, and if there was more publicity about the aspect of female muscle, then in general bodybuilding would become more popular. But as the world is progressing into gender equality, soon in bodybuilding it will happen too.  

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